A successful woman in Chicago, Dr. Eugenia Cheng, wants to bring unintentional childlessness into the light and not be forgotten. Despite creating a professional career in math, Eugenia has wanted to get pregnant since she was 25 years old, but it was not meant to be as she did not have a partner that was also ready.
It is important to note that she did not meet her current partner until she was 39, and they have gone through several rounds of IVF that have ultimately ended in negative results or miscarriages. And she is not ready for the emotional roller-coaster of adoption, as she feels that she has already been through enough psychologically to make that transition. Now, she is navigating being childless but not by choice.
For more on Eugenia Cheng and her new book, Is Math Real? How Simple Questions Lead Us to Mathematics’ Deepest Truths,” click here for more.
Want to learn more about other options that Dr. Cheng may have – Egg Freezing, IVF, Egg Donation, and Surrogacy? Please contact us today at www.ConceptualOptions.com or by calling 858-748-4222 to learn more about how surrogacy can be right for you.

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