Before their surrogate baby, Peggy, was born in November of 2024, Kevin and his husband, Michael, decided that they wanted to videotape their journey and release it on YouTube. They decided to create an informational video series so that others can learn from what they had learned along the way on their four-year journey to parenthood in England.
In the UK paid surrogacy is illegal, but paying for one’s surrogate’s expenses is not. And since no individual or company can profit from surrogacy in any manner, it is often difficult to find reliable information. They don’t claim to be an expert in every situation, but they have done it and lived it.
For more on Kevin and Michael’s journey, read the article here at BBC News and their YouTube channel.
Want to learn more about Egg Freezing, IVF, Egg Donation, and Surrogacy? Please contact us today at or by calling 858-748-4222 to learn more about how surrogacy can be right for you.

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