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Conceptual Options

Depression Screening Linked to Pregnancy

Guest Author | Katleen Brown In light of all the advancements attributed to the 21st century, it is quite a wonder that the social stigma of mental health issues still lingers around stubbornly. Despite all the clinical trials and research studies conducted, many people still avoid these issues as though they are deadly viruses. One such mental disability is depression. It is… Read More »Depression Screening Linked to Pregnancy

New Surrogacy Law Introduced in California Legislator from New Dad, Assemblyman David Chiu

Image Credit: David Chiu Facebook Conceptual Options wants to acknowledge that Assemblyman David Chiu (D-San Francisco) has stepped up and authored a bill that would assist same-sex couples using surrogacy to have their own children, as well as protect their rights outside of the State of California. After the birth of his own child, Chiu, wanted to make certain that the state… Read More »New Surrogacy Law Introduced in California Legislator from New Dad, Assemblyman David Chiu

Top 5 Questions Egg Donors Should Ask When Choosing an Egg Donation Agency

If you’re reading this blog post, you are probably smack in the middle of your search for your perfect Egg Donation agency. You’re most likely also thinking, “Only 5 questions? Why only 5?” And you are right! The more questions that you have for an agency, the better! However, you need to make sure that out of all of the questions that… Read More »Top 5 Questions Egg Donors Should Ask When Choosing an Egg Donation Agency

Top 5 Questions Surrogates Should Ask When Choosing a Surrogacy Agency

If you’re reading this blog post, you are probably in the middle of your search for your perfect agency. You’re most likely also thinking “Umm…only 5 questions? How am I going to learn anything from only 5 questions?” And you are right! The more questions that you have for an agency, the better! However, you need to make sure that out of… Read More »Top 5 Questions Surrogates Should Ask When Choosing a Surrogacy Agency

Study Shows Surrogacy Often Misunderstood & Unfairly Judged

As we discussed in yesterday’s blog post about the Top 3 Things NOT to say to a surrogate mother, surrogacy is often a taboo subject for many people. In fact, a new study (and a book) just came out from a researcher from the University of Texas at Arlington, Dr. Heather Jacobson, and she has found that surrogacy is often misunderstood by… Read More »Study Shows Surrogacy Often Misunderstood & Unfairly Judged

3 Top Things NOT to Say to a Surrogate

Surrogacy is a topic that draws most people in one direction or another as it is often shrouded in controversy and secrecy both publically and privately. With a topic such as this, people will often say nothing to someone when they are confronted with a situation they do not understand, such as surrogate motherhood. On the other hand, people are also known… Read More »3 Top Things NOT to Say to a Surrogate

Top 5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Surrogacy & Egg Donation Agency

If you’re in the middle of searching for your perfect agency, you’re probably thinking “only 5 questions? I have a million questions I want to ask my prospective agency!” And the more questions that you have for an agency, the better! However, you need to make sure that out of all of the questions that you ask before choosing your agency you… Read More »Top 5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Surrogacy & Egg Donation Agency

Zika Virus Update | Information for Surrogates, Egg Donors & Intended Parents

People all over the world are concerned about the Zika virus and how it can affect pregnant mothers – and rightfully so. Thankfully, the FDA has prepared guidance that is currently being implemented to decrease any potential risks for egg donors, sperm donors and Intended Parents. As there are no good blood tests at this time to detect the Zika virus, the… Read More »Zika Virus Update | Information for Surrogates, Egg Donors & Intended Parents

Surrogacy in the Animal Kingdom Comes to San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo has welcomed six southern white rhinos from South Africa in hopes they’ll become surrogate mothers for the critically endangered northern white rhino. The rhinos are living at the zoo’s new Rhino Rescue Center, built specifically for the six females. They will not be on public display as their sole purpose is to increase the population over the next… Read More »Surrogacy in the Animal Kingdom Comes to San Diego Zoo