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May 2018

Egg Donor Qualifications: 3 Things To Consider When Applying with Conceptual Options

Any woman who wants to become an Egg Donor is a generous one. However, not all women who want to donate are necessarily qualified to do so. There are a few requirements that most Egg Donors need to pass before being approved to donate. When it comes to egg donor qualifications, every agency will be a little different. The agencies are looking… Read More »Egg Donor Qualifications: 3 Things To Consider When Applying with Conceptual Options

Simply The Best: States and Stats for Your Best Surrogacy Journey in the U.S.

As of now, Surrogacy in the United States isn’t regulated by federal law. That means that each state can make its own set of rules and regulations in regards to a surrogate pregnancy and surrogacy journey. There are pros and cons to this. With each state having such different laws that vary so widely, it’s important to take into careful consideration all… Read More »Simply The Best: States and Stats for Your Best Surrogacy Journey in the U.S.

The Egg Donation Process with Conceptual Options: A Guide to Being Open or Anonymous

Many Egg Donors would like to remain anonymous for a variety of reasons. For example, many egg donors are young who still have plans to build a family of their own in the future. Some have reservations about meeting any future children of the Intended Parents that they helped because they fear they’ll feel overwhelmed by recognizing their DNA in a child… Read More »The Egg Donation Process with Conceptual Options: A Guide to Being Open or Anonymous