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What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is the world’s most common liver infection that affects nearly 70% of all Asian populations throughout the World – with 240 million people infected worldwide. While hepatitis B is not as common in the United States, The ONLY way to get the hepatitis B virus is to come into contact with infected blood or bodily fluid. Hepatitis B is not spread through food, water, or casual contact.

How will this affect me as a Surrogate?

There is no evidence that hepatitis B can be passed to a gestational surrogate from embryos created with eggs / sperm from an infected individual. The risk to the Surrogate is essentially zero, based mainly via the CDC recommendations. Most doctors will, however, ensure that gestational surrogates are vaccinated according to proper protocol as a precautionary measure only, although this is not required.

What precautions can I take as a Surrogate if my Intended Parents are carriers of Hepatitis B?

Prevention is the key with hepatitis B, which is why your doctor will likely treat you with the hepatitis B vaccination before you start your surrogacy journey, as hepatitis B is completely preventable through vaccination.

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