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Being a Surrogate does not always mean that you are carrying a baby for a stranger; instead you could be a Surrogate for your own child. This was the case with Megan Barker, who on October 22nd gave birth to her own grandson. Barker, who is 48 years old, gave birth to a healthy baby boy for her daughter, Maddie Coleman, and her son-in-law.

Barker said, in the article on Fox News, that she has known since Coleman was 14 years old that she would carry her daughter’s child if Coleman wanted her to. After all, when Coleman was 14 she was diagnosed with a disorder that would keep her from carrying her own child.

Of the healthy baby boy, both Barker and Coleman said:

“I’m just so fortunate I was able to provide the opportunity,” Barker, 48, says. “It’s the greatest gift.” Coleman feels exactly the same way: “I am forever grateful for this gift.”

This is another amazing story of how third party reproduction is helping families around the world. Congratulations to both of these women.

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