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Apply to Become a Surrogate

And an explanation of Surrogate compensation and benefits

Thank you for taking the first step in applying to become a surrogate with Conceptual Options and helping an infertile couple realize their dream of having a family. When you apply to become a surrogate, you become a part of the Conceptual Options family and partner to help create families and turn lifelong dreams into a reality.

Apply to Become a Surrogate

And an explanation of Surrogate compensation and benefits

Thank you for taking the first step in applying to become a surrogate with Conceptual Options and helping an infertile couple realize their dream of having a family. When you apply to become a surrogate, you become a part of the Conceptual Options family and partner to help create families and turn lifelong dreams into a reality.

Surrogate application

Our Surrogate Compensation includes:

$6,500 – $12,000+ Monthly

Signing Bonus of $1,000!

Monthly Allowance of $400

Monthly Support Group Compensation of $100

Start of Medications Compensation $1,000

Embryo Transfer Compensation of $2,000

Housekeeping Allowance of $200 per month

Maternity Clothing Allowance of $800-$1,000

Increased fee for Multiples of $10,000

C-Section Compensation of $5,000

Total compensation up to $95,000+

Our Surrogacy Agency Benefits include:

Apply from your phone!

Full-time Professional Support Staff

24-Hour Emergency Support Line

Dedicated Case Managers

Dedicated Accounting Staff to ensure timely payments

Monthly Surrogate Support Meetings

Travel Concierge (if needed)

Stay at home and help others and your own family

Referral bonus of $1,000-$1,500

Start with the form below and contact us if you need help, we’re happy to help!

Surrogate Application
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1st Time and Experienced California Surrogate Compensation
PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary of the compensation package. Please review the package in its entirety for restrictions and explanations, Your Compensation may be different.
Base compensations
1st Time       /       Experienced
Reasonable Living Expenses & Reimbursement ($40,000-$80,000+ for Experinced Surrogates) $60,000       /       $80,000
Contract Signing Bonus $1,000
Monthly Expense Allowance $600/month
Monthly Support Group Compensation $100/month
Start of Cycle Medications $1,500
Embryo Transfer Compensation $2,000
Maternity Clothing Allowance (+ $200 for twins) $800
Housekeeping Allowance $200/month
Medical Screening Appointment Fee $500
1st Time        /        Experienced
Total Base compensation (Experienced Surrogates) $75,500      /      $95,500
Normal cycle additions
Spouse/Companion Lost Wages (see full package for number of days) $150/day
Long Distance Travel Per Diem $75/day
Long Distance Travel Mileage Reimbursement (over 40 miles roundtrip) $0.67/mile
Lost Wages TBD
Multiples Compensation $10,000
C-Section Compensation $7,500
Breast Milk $500/week
Total Normal Cycle Additions $20,500
1st Time        /        Experienced
Total Potential compensation $95,500 / $115,500
Other Possible compensations
Dropped Cycle Compensation $1,000
Physician Ordered Bedrest $350/week
Invasive Procedure $1,500-$3,000
Hysterectomy $10,000
Please review the package Below in its entirety for restrictions and explanations.
If you have any questions make sure to ask your surrogate intake coordinator for clarification.
if you have any adjustments please let your surrogate intake coordinator know & she will be happy to make any adjustments.
San Diego

Surrogate Application

Start with the form below from your phone and contact us if you need help

We are currently accepting applicants from the following States:














South Carolina


Recipient parents will only use the information you provide when applying to become one of the Conceptual Options surrogate mothers to select an ideal mother for their surrogacy needs. The provided information will remain private and confidential; all personal information regarding your name, address, personal medical and health records, etc., will not be provided to potential parents.

What’s next?

What happens after you finish your application?

We look forward to receiving your surrogate application. Once your file is complete, we will contact you to complete our surrogate screening process if you are qualified to be one of our surrogates. Intended Parents are already waiting for their ideal surrogate to help them on their journey to parenthood, so please return this as soon as possible. Continue below to find out more about the steps after you complete your simple, online application.

After filling out your Surrogate application, the following will need to be completed

before you can be presented to potential Intended Parents:

Submit to a detailed staff interview.

Psychological Clearance (evaluated by a licensed mental health professional).

Your official medical records obtained directly from your treating physicians that are reviewed by a certified medical professional.

Provide current pap smear results.

Background investigation completed (investigation includes a search of both federal and state criminal records, as well as a residential history search by name and SSN).

after completing these simple steps, you are on your way to becoming a Surrogate and helping a family become more complete.

Surrogate Referral Bonus Program:

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Do you know a woman who would be a fantastic Surrogate? Refer her to our program and get a bonus!

Referral amount: $1,000

Refer a first-time Surrogate to our program, and you will receive a $1,000 gift card when she receives legal clearance.

Referral amount: $1,500

Refer an EXPERIENCED Surrogate to our program, and you will receive a $1,500 gift card when she receives legal clearance.

*Referral fees are only received once a referred Surrogate receives legal clearance.

*If you have any additional questions about the referral program, please get in touch with one of our Surrogate Intake Team Members:

Surrogate Application Tips:

Before you begin filling out your application to become a Surrogate with Conceptual Options, here are some tips to make a great first impression on your potential Intended Parents:

TIP #1 – Your Photos

When you are looking for pictures to upload to your application, be sure to remember that your potential Intended Parents will be looking at each of these pictures. Therefore, make sure that any pictures that you upload to your application are pictures that show you at your very best. It is always best to err on the conservative side and dress for success.

TIP #2 – Your Answers

Many of the Surrogate application questions can be answered with simple one-word answers; however, when you are answering each question, make sure that you give the most detailed answers that you can. When looking for the Surrogate who will carry their child, Intended Parents want to ensure that the woman they choose will be the best Surrogate possible for them. Therefore, make sure that each of your answers paints the best picture of you and your personality.

TIP #3 – Your Introduction

When you are composing your introduction for potential Intended Parents, remember that this is their first impression of you. You want to ensure that Intended Parents get a truly great impression of who you are as a person; after all, they will be asking you to carry the most precious gift. Since this is the first thing they will learn about you, you want to use your introduction to paint a picture of yourself that helps them get to know you before you meet them.

We hope that these tips are helpful to you, but if you have any questions along the way do not hesitate to contact us at Raina@ConceptualOptions.com or call us at 858.248.2123.

“With my short life I am changing the lives of families for the better. I don’t know what you are doing with your life, but this is what I’m doing with mine.”
-A Conceptual Options Surrogate

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Start your Application Here!