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Positive surrogacy articles are always wonderful for us to find – and we certainly found one at the Huffington Post, “Becoming A Surrogate Was Better Than I Ever Imagined”. The post is an amazing story of one woman’s quest to become a surrogate and to live “a life less ordinary.”

We learn about Sara Taylor Jones, and why she decided to become a surrogate — because she could never imagine herself never being called a mother. She also learned, unfortunately, about what others thought of surrogacy.

Those around me were horrified – what was I thinking? How could I give my baby away? What if I wanted to keep the baby? Who were these awful people who would pay to have a baby? How could I sell my own baby? That’s when I realized that actually the hardest part of being a surrogate was educating people whose experience of surrogacy was limited to a tabloid headline, or a TV soap storyline. Although the knowledge of surrogacy has increased over the last 15 years, there are still so many misconceptions about how it works, and what type of person turns to surrogacy, either as surrogate or as an intended parent.

At Conceptual Options we encourage our surrogates to think about what they are going to tell people, if anything at all, but more importantly, how to tell those around her – her family, her friends, her co-workers, and her children.

Read more about Sara’s story here at the Huffington Post.

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