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Gay men, lesbian women and the LGBT community across the world are as eager to have children as heterosexual couples, however, their journey can be different with special considerations. Gay surrogacy differs from state to state, some with progressive laws allowing equal rights for LGBT surrogacy, to other states that outright ban gay surrogacy, even when the couple is in a legal same-sex marriage. Because California offers full equal rights for LGBT surrogacy, Conceptual Options has locations in San Diego and Los Angeles. Navigating the process of surrogacy can be complicated for same-sex couples, gay individuals and heterosexual couples alike.

But, have no fear, IVF is here, and its technology allows almost everyone to create the family they have always wanted. Here at Conceptual Options, we can help you build the family you’ve been dreaming of – and, below is a guide on how to build the family:

1. Find An Egg Donor

For those who need an egg donor, finding the right donor should be one of the first steps in the process of building your family. For gay men, this is a requirement, however, often lesbians too need donor eggs due to fertility issues. This is one of the most important steps in your journey, as you are choosing the other half of the genetics of your future children.

Carefully assess what is important to you and then find an amazing LGBT egg donor agency that can offer you a list of donors that match your criteria. Things like education, health, eye color and height often come into play, as most people usually try to find a donor that looks like they might fit in their family. Sometimes LGBT couples will select characteristics from one intended parent for the first child, then the other parent for the next. Conceptual Options has the highest quality egg donor database in the world. We focus on quality, not quantity – our thorough egg donor application and screening process ensures this. Our sperm donor database is equally as impressive. We have been serving the LGBT community for two decades, with women eager to donate an egg to gay couples and individuals.

2. Find a Doctor

Your next step should be finding an IVF doctor that is willing to work with you. Ask your egg donor agency for a list of references that will fit you and your needs.

When choosing an IVF doctor, it is important to consider success rates, cost, and overall value. You want a doctor who is personable and friendly and able to make your desired schedule work within their clinic. Use your gut and personal judgement as well – it is not only important that your doctor understand the unique needs of gay surrogacy, but also make you feel comfortable. Although, legally, gay surrogacy and surrogacy for heterosexual couples is the same in the state of California, gay men and women have questions about in-vitro fertilization, egg donation and sperm donation that straight couples do not. For example, in a same-sex marriage, which man should donate sperm, or which woman should carry the baby? Ultimately, the choice needs to be made by the couple, but the right doctor can add insight from a medical perspective.

3. Find a Surrogate

Next, it’s time to choose your surrogate. There are many surrogates who specifically want to help a gay couple or individual, which is a beautiful thing. Find a Surrogate that you will enjoy forming a relationship with over the course of nine months. LGBT surrogacy is no different than heterosexual surrogacy when it comes to finding a surrogate – finding the right person is critical as you will have a relationship and meet with this person during pregnancy and a short period of time after birth.

And while there are many great surrogacy programs in the nation that can help tailor the journey to you, Conceptual Options has been creating families since 1999 and can help find you a surrogate that is equally as excited about your journey as you. This will help both parties remain fulfilled and headed towards your goal of having a child. Conceptual Options is a gay rights advocate and not only welcomes LGBT surrogacy, but specializes in it. Finding the right surrogate is part of the service we offer in your journey towards parenthood.

4. Get Ready

Having a child is going to change your life forever, in a good way! Same-sex married, gay, straight – you name it, it will turn your world on its head. There are so many wonderful preparations that are required to bring a child into the universe. Having help from a great program, like Conceptual Options, can do wonders and relieve you, your egg donor, and your surrogate from additional, unneeded stress. We have helped so many LGBT couples with surrogacy it has become second nature – even in international surrogacy situations.

The end goal of this process is to build your family. Whether you’re straight, gay, or single – leave it to us to help you find what you are looking for. We are experts in gay surrogacy, in-vitro fertilization, egg donation and sperm donation. Remember, same-sex parents usually have questions unique questions about gay surrogacy and the birth of their child; please don’t hesitate to reach out, we have a friendly staff here to answer any questions you have.
For a free consultation, contact us today.

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