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Choosing the perfect egg donor for your family can be a challenge; but, once you find the right candidate, you will need an Egg Donor Team that will help you get things moving.

To start the process of locating your egg donor, there are many steps an egg donor needs to complete before we can ensure she is a good fit for you. Many evaluations are necessary, as well as some blood work, before you can start your cycle. To ensure you are in the loop, we’ve created a guide on exactly what you can expect once you have selected your egg donor.

1. Psych Evaluation

Your donor will undergo a psychological evaluation to ensure she is psychologically fit to donate. This will give you peace of mind that the donor is mentally healthy and prepared to donate.

A psych evaluation with a professional psychologist is one of the major ticket items your egg donor needs to start your cycle.

2. Genetic Assessment

Although not required, a genetic assessment can be a huge asset to you when choosing an egg donor. This will spell out the donors health history in great detail as self-reported by her to the counselor.

A licensed genetic counselor will put you at ease about creating potential off spring with this specific egg donor. The counselor will also alert you to any risks should there be any.

3. Blood Work & AMH

The egg donor will have her AMH, Anti Mullerian Hormone, levels tested before you can start the cycle. This will ensure she has high estrogen levels and is a fertile donor with quality eggs. AMH levels are a good indicator of the kind of retrieval you can expect.

In addition, your IVF doctor will perform further blood work on your egg donor to ensure that she doesn’t carry the same genetic mutations as yourself, your partner, or your sperm donor. We all carry various genetic mutations that need to be taken into account when using IVF.

Once this testing is done, you are almost clear to proceed with your cycle.

4. Pap smear

An updated pap smear is also important for the IVF process and for the health of the donor. An egg donor needs a clean pap smear to proceed with her donation.

This test is to ensure the health of the donor as she begins to take hormones for your cycle.

Although this seems like alot of testing, it is important to be patient as the cycle progresses – this testing will help ensure a healthy baby joins your family. When you’re ready to choose a donor to help you start your family, contact us today.

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