At Conceptual Options we have been creating families for almost 20 years, yet each day brings us something new and exciting. One example is our amazing Surrogate, Amber, who wanted others to see what Surrogacy has done for her family and the family of her Intended Parents.
In her own words, Amber stated the following about her Surrogacy Journey,
IF you ever get the opportunity to change the life of someone else, do it without hesitation. Don’t live a life full of unfulfilling shit or doing things someone else told you to do. If you want to quit your job and move, do that. If you want to fall in love, do that. If you so damn well please to take a trip around the world or go on a breastfeeding campaign, DO THAT SHIT TOO! I think I actually named the things I want to do next but you get the point. I encourage you to do whatever makes you appreciate life a little bit more.
Surrogacy made me appreciate the shiny things a little less, now I’m hungry as hell for the things that I deserve. If you have followed my journey since the first round of medication you must know how dedicated I was to this. I hate needles! I hate doctors! From the first embryo transfer on January 30, 2015, to the miscarriage… To baby girl Panda’s birth on January 30, 2016, its has been one amazing ride. I was dedicated to seeing this dream of life come true… Did I ever mention this was for complete strangers?? Well they are not strangers now but damn… I didn’t even meet them until I was well into taking them shots. I signed up… they picked me…. Short story but that’s not the end of our story.
Over the course of this time we’ve became a family. Like seriously… I added them to my family and us to theirs. I mean they never met my family but I’m 100% certain that they are very much an amazing contribution to the family I came from, the FAMILIES I am apart of, and the one I will create. The connection is and will always be me. That part of the story by itself is big. This happened because of me! Holy shit, I’m batman!!!!! Honestly, if I had to write a kick ass ‘My Life’ story….. (wait no…. I’d get my amazing friend Nik or my fabulous cousin Darby to write my story because they are kick ass writers and me writing my own story would probably be garbage. They are obvisouly my personal holy grails to word play… and they are both writing books so be on the look out) EVEN IF THEY WROTE IT….. You get the picture!
I say all of that to say this felt amazing….. Can I just say that again…. THIS SHIT FELT AMAZING!!! and because every person that i ran across thought it was so beautiful, AMAZING needs an upgrade. She will return to China Wednesday. I thanked her for coming. VENI, VEDI, VICI ……Stay tuned….
A little letter for my little panda:
My little full moon baby,
On the morning I drove to the hospital the moon was very low. Along the long stretch of rode on La Ceinega Blvd thats all I really remember about the drive other than I caught zero red lights on a street lined with them. I will one day thank you again for coming into the world to show me the beautiful reflection of His grace. Thank you for choosing me. I wish you a lifetime of happiness and Im grateful I’ll be around to witness it. Thank you for sprinkling the glitter that you did, at the exact time you did it. My soul is forever grateful.
Who is not crying after that? Amber, like all of our amazing Surrogates at Conceptual Options over all of these years, has made her life a journey well spent and a journey towards finding out what is important in life–and she certainly paid it forward. Karma is good, Amber!
To follow Amber and her journey, find her story at Passion for the Possible here. Amber and all of our amazing Surrogates are true Super Heros!
To learn more about Becoming a Surrogate and paying it forward with Conceptual Options, contact us today!