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Many were shocked to learn that Actress, Amber Heard, had a baby through surrogacy this year. While no one seemed to be aware that she was about to become a mother at all, her surrogate gave birth to her daughter, Oonagh Paige, on April 8th. Amber said that a Physician had told her in the past that she would never be able to carry her own baby, so she moved on to surrogacy. Using a surrogate, Ms. Heard created the family that she had so desired for so long.

The News of the Birth

As a source told Page Six, “The most important thing for Amber is that she’s open about Oonagh’s birth,” the source continued. “There are so many women who feel they can’t talk about their fertility and are worried and embarrassed; Amber wants them to feel supported and realize that there are a multitude of ways to have a baby even if you have fertility issues.”

Amber stated herself, “I’m so excited to share this news with you. Four years ago, I decided I wanted to have a child. I wanted to do it on my own terms,” she wrote. “I now appreciate how radical it is for us as women to think about one of the most fundamental parts of our destinies in this way. I hope we arrive at a point in which it’s normalized to not want a ring in order to have a crib.”

Surrogacy is a Radical Idea?

Radical? We think not. At Conceptual Options we have been helping couples and individuals create their families for over 22 years – whether due to infertility, such as with Amber Heard, or because of social reasons, or more specifically social surrogacy.

Social Surrogacy offers parents, whether single or in a relationship, an opportunity to have biological children of their own without interrupting or risking their lives and careers with a possible life-halting pregnancy. We believe that reproductive technologies such as surrogacy and egg donation should be available to all and that your reasons for choosing surrogacy shouldn’t limit your ability to build your family. Social surrogacy allows parents the ability to still be a large part of the pregnancy.

How Can Conceptual Options Help You Become a Parent?

Conceptual Options has been helping couples and individuals become parents since 1999. Please call one of our Client Relations Staff at 858-748-4222 or find us at https://www.ConceptualOptions.com.

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