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Surrogate Community | Conceptual Options

Best Surrogacy Agency in the United States, 2018 Surrogate Appreciation Holiday Party is an Amazing Success!!!

Conceptual Optionsโ€™ amazing and dedicated Surrogates were treated to our 2018 Surrogate Holiday Appreciation Party this past weekend – while also anticipating our 2018 Surrogate Holiday Appreciation Virtual Party for those who could not attend this week. We treated everyone to great conversation, great raffles, and, of course, an amazing plated dinner from the 94th Aero Squadron in San Diego!! We would… Read More »Best Surrogacy Agency in the United States, 2018 Surrogate Appreciation Holiday Party is an Amazing Success!!!

Should I Become a Surrogate and Why?

Getting pregnant and having a child is not a possibility for everyone. For many, the road to parenthood is one full of obstacles and challenges, especially those suffering from infertility issues. The good news: help is on the way. Bringing a newborn child into this world and starting a family is perhaps one of the greatest joys in life. If you have… Read More »Should I Become a Surrogate and Why?

Can I Become a Surrogate with Conceptual Options?

Becoming a Surrogate can be one of the most fulfilling journeys you will likely do in your life. It wonโ€™t always be easy, and there will certainly be challenges youโ€™ll need to face during your surrogacy pregnancy. However, the gift youโ€™ll be giving another family is one they will be endlessly grateful for. Itโ€™s important to remember that not all women are… Read More »Can I Become a Surrogate with Conceptual Options?

In Good Hands: 4 Signs Youโ€™ve Got The Best Surrogacy Program

Good news: a million babies have now been born in the U.S. through fertility programs and surrogates. However, when it comes to conceiving through unconventional means, there will be a few inevitable challenges to face. The only way to seamlessly navigate through tricky waters that may arise is by ensuring youโ€™ve selected the best surrogacy program available. Surrogacy agencies are not all… Read More »In Good Hands: 4 Signs Youโ€™ve Got The Best Surrogacy Program

Surrogacy Educational Series

Conceptual Options, a full-service Surrogacy, Egg Donation, and Sperm Donation agency that has been Partnering for Parenthood since 1999, announces two new additional episodes of our groundbreaking new educational video series about Surrogacy. Our next two videos tackle the following subjects: “Choosing Your Intended Parents and Talking About Surrogacy with Friends, Family & Strangers.” Becoming a surrogate is one of the most… Read More »Surrogacy Educational Series

Additional New Videos for Educational Video Series about Surrogacy

Conceptual Options, LLC, has been Partnering for Parenthood and creating families since 1999, and now we are pleased to announce four new additional episodes of our groundbreaking new educational video series about Surrogacy, Egg Donation, Sperm Donation and assisted reproduction. Conceptual Options is a full-service surrogacy, egg donation, and sperm donation agency located in beautiful San Diego, California. Our next four videos… Read More »Additional New Videos for Educational Video Series about Surrogacy

What is a Surrogate? Introducing Conceptual Options’ New Educational Video Series on Surrogacy

Conceptual Options Announces New Educational Video Series about Surrogacy Conceptual Options, LLC, is a full-service surrogacy, egg donation, and sperm donation agency located in beautiful San Diego, California. We have Partnering for Parenthood and creating families since 1999, and now we are announcing our groundbreaking new educational video series about Surrogacy, Egg Donation, Sperm Donation and everything assisted reproduction. Our first video… Read More »What is a Surrogate? Introducing Conceptual Options’ New Educational Video Series on Surrogacy

Sara Taylor Jones – Becoming a Surrogate was the Best Thing

Positive surrogacy articles are always wonderful for us to find – and we certainly found one at the Huffington Post, “Becoming A Surrogate Was Better Than I Ever Imagined”. The post is an amazing story of one woman’s quest to become a surrogate and to live “a life less ordinary.” We learn about Sara Taylor Jones, and why she decided to become… Read More »Sara Taylor Jones – Becoming a Surrogate was the Best Thing

We Create families Via Surrogacy

At Conceptual Options we have been creating families for almost 20 years, yet each day brings us something new and exciting. One example is our amazing Surrogate, Amber, who wanted others to see what Surrogacy has done for her family and the family of her Intended Parents. In her own words, Amber stated the following about her Surrogacy Journey, IF you ever… Read More »We Create families Via Surrogacy

Parents Speak Out About Surrogacy Case

“Just let other intended parents know to be very careful, my suggestion would be to use an agency – it’s very hard now to trust people. We have a trust issue now because of this,” said Chantele. Knowing what they know now, Paul and Chantele feel that their trust has been violated by a woman they had hired to be their surrogate.… Read More »Parents Speak Out About Surrogacy Case