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Conceptual Options

American Express Increases Employee Benefits to Include Infertility Treatments

American Express announced this week that starting January 1st, their parental leave and infertility treatment benefits will be drastically changing for the better for their employees. The company previously had caps on their health plan for infertility benefits and a short parental leave only for employees who gave birth. However, with their new plan both male and female employees will receive up… Read More »American Express Increases Employee Benefits to Include Infertility Treatments

Baby Joy Through Surrogacy

The British TV show, ‘This Time Next Year,’ focuses on inspirational aspects of every day people’s lives. Recently, the show focused on couple, Kathryn Mallory and Chris Chapman, who were struggling to complete their family after using IVF to conceive their first child. Kathryn successfully beat cancer as a child and after conceiving their first child, doctors told Kathryn that she would… Read More »Baby Joy Through Surrogacy

Woman Gives Birth to Grandson

Being a Surrogate does not always mean that you are carrying a baby for a stranger; instead you could be a Surrogate for your own child. This was the case with Megan Barker, who on October 22nd gave birth to her own grandson. Barker, who is 48 years old, gave birth to a healthy baby boy for her daughter, Maddie Coleman, and… Read More »Woman Gives Birth to Grandson

Why is a Twin Pregnancy so Different from a Singleton Pregnancy?

Whether you are a Surrogate or carrying your own babies, a twin pregnancy changes everything you may have ever known about being pregnant. In fact, we have found a great article on the Scary Mommy blog that lists the top 10 reasons why a twin pregnancy is so different from a singleton pregnancy. Here are the top 10 reasons: 1. Welcome to… Read More »Why is a Twin Pregnancy so Different from a Singleton Pregnancy?

Exploring the Possibility of Surrogacy

As celebrities, like Kim Kardashian, explore the possibility of having a child through Surrogacy; it is important that they educate themselves on the entire process. Because, whether you are a celebrity or not, using Surrogacy to have a child is an in depth process that you should understand completely before diving in. For example, you need to explore the pros and cons… Read More »Exploring the Possibility of Surrogacy

What it is Really Like to be an Egg Donor?

Becoming an Egg Donor is a significant decision for any woman, and it is one that she should thoroughly research before she decides to move forward. In fact, not only is it important for a woman to educate herself thoroughly, but she should also make certain that she is doing it for the right reasons – no matter what those reasons are.… Read More »What it is Really Like to be an Egg Donor?

Jeff Lewis Welcomes Baby Girl Via Surrogacy

Image Courtesy of Jeff Lewis Instagram Bravo TV star, Jeff Lewis, welcomed a baby girl with this partner, Gage Edward, via Surrogate on Tuesday. Lewis announced the birth of his daughter, Monroe, on Instagram on Tuesday. The reality show house flipper, said via Instagram At 4:22pm today, I grew up. Welcome Monroe Christine Lewis.” Lewis also posted pictures of his daughter’s nursery,… Read More »Jeff Lewis Welcomes Baby Girl Via Surrogacy

Surrogacy Helps Woman with Cancer Become a Mother

Image courtesy of: Paul Swiech A cancer diagnosis is a devastating time for anyone, and when Allie Ruff was 25 years old she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. At that time, her and her husband had only been married for a little over a year, and they thought that their dreams of having a family were over. However, thanks to… Read More »Surrogacy Helps Woman with Cancer Become a Mother

Surrogacy in the USA: Your Path to Parenthood

How does International Surrogacy work? And why would someone choose to do International Surrogacy? – These are questions that we get asked by many of our international clients. The clearest answer is that international Surrogacy is the answer for many individuals who are seeking Surrogacy outside of their own country for one reason or another. California, in particular, has some of the… Read More »Surrogacy in the USA: Your Path to Parenthood

Educating the Public on Surrogacy – Global Impact & Insight

All of us know someone who thinks Surrogacy is wrong for many reasons, and we often try and think of ways to educate those who really “don’t know because they have never experienced it.” In fact, we recently had a gentleman that insisted that Surrogacy was wrong because there are so many children in the world that need to be placed in… Read More »Educating the Public on Surrogacy – Global Impact & Insight