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Conceptual Optionsโ€™ Stands with the LGBTQ+ Community This June & All Year Long

Conceptual Options has been committed to the LGBTQ+ Community since its inception in 1999, when the Path to Parenthood was not as it is today. In fact, we, along with other members of our industry, have pushed for reform over the years to make the process the same as it is for heterosexual couples and singles. And, while we may have achieved… Read More »Conceptual Optionsโ€™ Stands with the LGBTQ+ Community This June & All Year Long

Gay Surrogacy Interview with Two Dads from the UK

Gay Surrogacy Interview with Two Dads from the UK Conceptual Options recently collaborated on a project with Two Dads to bring awareness to gay surrogacy and help intended fathers with their journey towards parenthood. Two Daddies are an enthusiastic pair of fathers from England who tirelessly advocate for equality in surrogacy, while also raising 3 children (2 from surrogacy). This is their… Read More »Gay Surrogacy Interview with Two Dads from the UK

Your Newest Surrogacy Education Series for LGBTQ Parents Presented by Conceptual Options

Our newest Surrogacy Education Series is being released on a weekly basis by Conceptual Options in order to educate LGBTQ parents who are just starting or just beginning to consider a journey to parenthood via surrogacy. In the series, we will go over the basics such as Selecting your Surrogacy Agency, Selecting your Surrogate, How to Prepare for your Surrogate Match Meeting,… Read More »Your Newest Surrogacy Education Series for LGBTQ Parents Presented by Conceptual Options

LGBTQ Families – Creating Your Family through IVF, Surrogacy & Egg Donation

Gay men, lesbian women and the LGBT community across the world are as eager to have children as heterosexual couples, however, their journey can be different with special considerations. Gay surrogacy differs from state to state, some with progressive laws allowing equal rights for LGBT surrogacy, to other states that outright ban gay surrogacy, even when the couple is in a legal… Read More »LGBTQ Families – Creating Your Family through IVF, Surrogacy & Egg Donation