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Intended Parents | Conceptual Options


Coastal Fertility Announces Pregnancies in a Unique Way

Patients at the Coastal Fertility Medical Center have been getting good news about their confirmed pregnancies in a unique way since 1982 when the clinic first opened.  In fact, Dr. Lawrence Werlin and his team have made IVF pregnancy lab test result calls a group effort by notifying new parents with exciting announcements that includes his staff to cheer “You’re pregnant.” “Patients… Read More »Coastal Fertility Announces Pregnancies in a Unique Way

Creating a Safe Environment for Surrogacy, IVF and Egg Donation – COVID-19 Protocol for Conceptual Options

Conceptual Options is committed to ensuring that our Staff, Surrogates, Egg Donors, and Intended Parents are safe and free from additional exposure due to Covid-19 when working with us. With most states slowly re-opening to our “new normal,” we at Conceptual Options are making the health and safety of everyone a priority by following the guidelines set forth by various agencies as… Read More »Creating a Safe Environment for Surrogacy, IVF and Egg Donation – COVID-19 Protocol for Conceptual Options

Gay Surrogacy Interview with Two Dads from the UK

Gay Surrogacy Interview with Two Dads from the UK Conceptual Options recently collaborated on a project with Two Dads to bring awareness to gay surrogacy and help intended fathers with their journey towards parenthood. Two Daddies are an enthusiastic pair of fathers from England who tirelessly advocate for equality in surrogacy, while also raising 3 children (2 from surrogacy). This is their… Read More »Gay Surrogacy Interview with Two Dads from the UK

Utah Supreme Court Reverses Ban on Same-Sex Couple Surrogacy

The Utah Supreme Court has struck down a portion of their surrogacy law that banned same-sex couples from entering into gestational surrogacy agreements to have children. In the Court’s ruling last week, Chief Justice Matthew Durrant said “same-sex couples must be afforded all of the benefits the State has linked to marriage and freely grants to opposite sex-couples.” In fact, although Utah… Read More »Utah Supreme Court Reverses Ban on Same-Sex Couple Surrogacy

Your Newest Surrogacy Education Series for LGBTQ Parents Presented by Conceptual Options

Our newest Surrogacy Education Series is being released on a weekly basis by Conceptual Options in order to educate LGBTQ parents who are just starting or just beginning to consider a journey to parenthood via surrogacy. In the series, we will go over the basics such as Selecting your Surrogacy Agency, Selecting your Surrogate, How to Prepare for your Surrogate Match Meeting,… Read More »Your Newest Surrogacy Education Series for LGBTQ Parents Presented by Conceptual Options

Best Surrogacy Agency & Egg Donation Agency in the US, Celebrates Anniversary – Twenty Amazing Years of Creating Families!

This year Conceptual Options, the World’s Leading Premier Surrogacy and Egg Donation Agency, has reached its 20-year anniversary! We are so excited to continue to help men and women from all over the world create the families of their dreams, while continuing to provide amazing support to our dedicated Surrogates and Egg Donors. According to members of our Conceptual Options’ Staff, “Families… Read More »Best Surrogacy Agency & Egg Donation Agency in the US, Celebrates Anniversary – Twenty Amazing Years of Creating Families!

Best Surrogacy Agency in the United States, 2018 Surrogate Appreciation Holiday Party is an Amazing Success!!!

Conceptual Options’ amazing and dedicated Surrogates were treated to our 2018 Surrogate Holiday Appreciation Party this past weekend – while also anticipating our 2018 Surrogate Holiday Appreciation Virtual Party for those who could not attend this week. We treated everyone to great conversation, great raffles, and, of course, an amazing plated dinner from the 94th Aero Squadron in San Diego!! We would… Read More »Best Surrogacy Agency in the United States, 2018 Surrogate Appreciation Holiday Party is an Amazing Success!!!

Conceptual Options Honors NICU Families at Miracle Babies 9th Annual Gala In Rancho Santa Fe, California

On Saturday, October 20, 2018, Conceptual Options was a proud benefactor sponsor of the Miracle Babies 9th Annual Gala, entitled Minuit à Versailles. The staff of Conceptual Options enjoyed a delicious dinner, silent auction, and dancing and live music while honoring those babies and their families that enter the NICU each year. In fact, did you know that 500,000 babies are admitted… Read More »Conceptual Options Honors NICU Families at Miracle Babies 9th Annual Gala In Rancho Santa Fe, California

The Do’s and Don’ts When Becoming An Egg Donor with Conceptual Options

Congratulations! You’ve decided to become an Egg Donor and bless the lives of others. You will be performing perhaps the most generous act possible as you help others build a family. There is no other gift that is comparable to the gift of life. Does donating eggs have a few restrictions while you are in the middle of your cycle? Sure. But… Read More »The Do’s and Don’ts When Becoming An Egg Donor with Conceptual Options